

Matthew 13:44 The kingdom of God - not a physical kingdom or realm, but The rule and reign of God. When we think of someone ruling over us, what do we think of? An oppressive government? The English crown over the American colonies? We think of someone ruling over us, telling us what to do, but with no real concern for us. But what does Gods rule over us look like? Jesus said His yoke is easy and his burden is light. His rule over us is the defeat of sin and death and salvation, righteousness, and peace coming into my life. Gods rule over me looks like salvation, redemption, mercy, grace. Gods kingdom is treasure Jesus is saying that Gods rule, specifically in the context of the gospel, is treasure. It is of supreme value. His reign is present in part right now, but will be complete at the second coming of Christ. The blessings we have now in Christ are great (forgiveness, righteousness, acceptance with the Father, no condemnation, the fellowship of Jesus by his Spirit in our lives, progressive transfo