

Thanks to Andy Stanley for his teaching on guarding your heart. Today's is the most devastating. Greed, jealousy, guilt - we've talked about. They disturb relationships. Why do we carry anger? b/c we've been hurt. Someone has taken something from us. We can get rid of it. Not simple, not quick. Ephesians 4:25-27 Paul knew what it meant to be hurt, mistreated. He says that we can get rid of anger. It's not a matter of circumstances, but of the heart. Be angry - yet do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger. Carry your anger for a short time. Don't carry it. There are some issues you cannot resolve in a day. Do not give the devil an opportunity. When you carry anger, you open a door to the devil, an opening to your heart. You know people who carry anger wreak havoc everywhere they go. It can affect people who had nothing to do with your anger. Jealousy says, "God owes me" Guilt says, "I owe you" Greed says, "I owe me" Anger says, "you owe me" A sense that your ex owes you b/c they stole your