

Genesis 1:26-27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Femininity - reflects the heart of God Compassion, beauty, nurturing, love, care Masculinity - reflects the strength of God Strength, leadership, courage Men and women are equal in their importance - both reflect God's character. Neither adequately represents God, but together, they are an image of God - not perfect because of sin - but an image of God nonetheless. In all creation, marriage is the fullest expression of God's image. 1. Harmony and unity in the relationship 2. Equality and importance of persons 3. Difference in role and authority Your marriage reflects the image of God. In God, there are distinct persons, but united in being, in purpose, and in nature. Each is eternal, each is holy, each is righteous. Genesis 2:18-24 Likewise in marriage there are two distinct persons; united physically, spiritually, and emotionally. When your marriage is united in purpose and direc