

Back to the garden When it comes to practically every question about God’s intentions for men and women, the answer is almost always the same: go back to the garden. Jesus was asked about marriage (Matt. 19:4–6), He answered from Genesis 2. Paul was discussing the role of women in relation to men (1 Tim. 2:11–14), he found his answers in Genesis 2. The New Testament sees issues of gender and male-female relationships answered in the opening chapters of the Bible: the basic teaching on creation in Genesis 1 and the record of God’s specific dealing with the first man and woman in Genesis 2. It is here that we should search for the Bible’s most basic teaching on masculinity and femininity. Protect and Serve In his book, the "Masculine Mandate," Richard Phillips points to Genesis 2:15 where we read, “The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” He points to this passage as God's calling on men. He refers to this as the masculine mandate. The Hebrew word translated, “