

The New Testament speaks of a clashing of two kingdoms. It tells of a kingdom of light and a kingdom of darkness. Jesus referred over and again of the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of God. Jesus was tempted and baptized and then began his public ministry. When he first began his public ministry, Matthew 4:17 says, “From that time on Jesus began to preach, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.’” The kingdom of heaven is the rule and the reign of God. Jesus referred to the kingdom of heaven drawing near with his teaching and preaching. The world has been under the dominion of the enemy since the fall of man. From that time until now, everyone has been born into a fallen world, born to fallen parents. Every man and woman has been under the curse of sin because every one of us also choose to sin. Choosing to sin reveals our sinful nature and it reveals that we were under the rule of the enemy. But when Jesus came, he introduced a new rule under the rightful ruler. He came announcing that God was restorin