

Psalm 67 The whole psalm is a prayer set to song, asking for the Lord’s blessing and ascribing kingship to the Lord. vv. 1-2 “May God be gracious to us” Every interaction with God begins with his grace and mercy. When you came to God the very first time, it was initiated by God and his grace. When you first prayed asking for forgiveness, God listened out of his grace. Our whole relationship with God is based upon his grace. God marinated us in his grace. The terms of our relationship with God began and will be fulfilled in his grace alone. “and bless us” God removes the cures and judgment of the Fall. He cares for us like a father. “Make his face shine upon us” He delights in his own. He receives and cares for us with joy. “that your ways may be known” The Psalmist is asking for blessing and grace for a purpose – that others may know the goodness of the Lord through him. God’s grace and blessings are so that people may know his way. He’s not just being nice to us, He’s revealing to us his plan for salvation