

No Perfect People Allowed by John Burke NT era Corinth like our society – known for drunkenness, sexual immorality, and religious tolerance. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 “That is what some of you were…” Somehow these “sinners” in Corinth became followers of Jesus. Those sinners came to faith through relationships with believers. It is hard to know what to do with people who are steeped in sin. The church has a difficult time knowing what to do with substance abusers, sexually promiscuous, homosexuals. The Bible makes it clear that these are sins. We do not need to apologize for it. It is true, these are sins. These sins have a damaging affect on a person – these sins affect their • Relationship with God • Relationship with other people • Their minds – all sexual immorality has a warping affect on the mind. • Their souls – they are seeking something in a substance or in a sexual relationship. Sexual immorality is a lousy substitute for significance and love. Substance abuse is a lousy substitute for peace. • Th