

When we sat down 10 years ago to give our church some direction, we worked on core values, things that we think are important, things that we want people who come here to pick up on, things that we want to be true of the culture of our church. These are things that we want to shape our teaching, the content of our ministries and even our conversations. The first of these core values is a “great love for God.” I pray this for you. I pray this for me. May we grow in greater love and affection for God. Matthew 22:34-40 v. 37 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment.” The Pharisees had added rules and regulations on top of the Laws of Moses. They thought what God wanted people to do could be attained by regulating behavior. But there was never any hope in that. Jesus gave an answer that reveals how we attain righteousness, become better, how we change. It is not a matter of behavior; it’s a matter of the heart. This i