

Luke 24:1-8 I wish I could take us back to the days before Jesus was raised, while Jesus was in the tomb. I wish we could wait there at the tomb together, waiting and watching to see what would happen. While we waited, we would have questions – just like his disciple must have. They had seen Jesus die, saw him flogged, beaten, and finally crucified. They would have wondered. We would have questions during those anxious three days. Was Jesus overcome by the power of death and darkness? There was so much darkness in Jesus’ sentencing and death. Judas took money to betray him after the Bible says, “Satan entered him.” The Pharisees plotted to have him killed so they could keep their positions. The Roman government allowed Jesus to be killed even though they knew he was innocent. The Roman soldiers mocked and beat him violently for sport. The crowd rejected him and called for his blood to be on them and on their children. Did their darkness overcome Jesus? Was all the sin of mankind too much to bear? For three da