

John 15:1-4 v. 1 Jesus is the vine. This is OT reference to Israel, called the vine and grapes symbolized their fruitfulness in doing God’s work. (Ps 80:8; Is 5:1-7; Ez 19:10-14) The Father is the gardener. v. 2 Unfruitful branches are cut off. Not sure what these are. They are said to be “in me.” But there is something false about them. They bear no fruit and are therefore, cut off. All branches needs cutting. Even the fruitful ones are pruned. The intent of pruning is to become more fruitful. v. 3 You are clean because of the word I have spoken to you. v. 4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. Jesus is going to express how our relationship is supposed to work. He does so by saying, “I’m the vine, you are the branches connected to me.” Our relationship with Jesus is to be a remaining, abiding, living with, dwelling with kind of relationship. Just as a branch receives nourishment from the trunk, so we are with Jesus. Remaining in Jesus is to be constantly living with him. In our homes, at our jobs, in o