

Each of the four Gospels is unique. Matthew is written from a perspective that proves Jesus is the Messiah. Mark is written from a brief, action-packed perspective, showing that Jesus is the Servant-Savior. Luke is written from a historical perspective, very detailed, and focused on Jesus’ humanity. More than 90% of John’s gospel isn’t mentioned in the other gospels. There is no genealogy, no record of Jesus’ birth, transfiguration, temptation. There is no record of the appointment of the apostles. There is no account of Jesus’ parables, no ascension. But what John recorded for us is a profound unfolding of Jesus’ divinity, even from the first verse. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Just in the first chapter, Jesus is described by six names. • The Word – (1:1, 14) • The Light – (1:5, 9) • The One and Only – (1:14) • The Lamb of God – (1:29) • The Son of God – (1:34) • The King of Israel – (1:49) There are only eight recorded miracles in John,