

Greater Grace. Hosea 2:14-15 God intends all our trouble to be a door into greater grace and greater revelation of his sufficiency for us. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 We sit back and let our view of God and life be shaped by constantly shifting feelings about our ever-changing circumstances. We choose to passively listen to circumstances when we need to [start talking back]. We act like Jesus' work on the cross and God's kindness toward us have no real bearing on our lives. Of course they do. Of course they matter. They matter in every circumstance of life. Full sermon: Hosea 2:14-15 God is talking through Hosea about how he is going to restore Israel. He talks about Israel as an unfaithful wife. "into the desert"- he will take everything away so she will finally see his kindness. He simplifies life for her. He takes away all the men of her unfaithfulness and all the things they gave her. Why? Because they were false. They did not love her like he did. They confused her. He took th