

God is glorious and loves to reveal his beauty and glory to us so that our hearts turn to Him. He is continually winning us over, turning our hearts back to Him. Psalm 3 - the first Psalm ascribed to David. V. 1 "how many are my foes" David had an army coming to hunt him down, directed by his rebellious son, Absalom. 2 Samuel 15, the story of Absalom's rebellion and King David had to flee Jerusalem. Even some of David's friends had deserted him. V. 2 They mock him, saying that the Lord will not take care of him. They hint that God had forsaken David. Why would they say that? 2 Samuel 11-12, David committed adultery with Bathsheba and conspired to have her husband killed. 2 Samuel 12-14, David's life was torn apart by serious family trouble. 2 Samuel 15-18, David's son has an army and is leading a coup to take over the kingdom. It looks like God has forsaken David. It appears that God's favor has ended. You would think by these circumstances that God has abandoned him. This is the most bitter situat