

1 The gospel and the church are empowered by God; they will triumph in his power. 2 In the face of imprisonment, beatings, and riots, God gave his people boldness to speak of their faith. 3 Acts 20:17-24 4 The gospel isn't accepted by every person, but it has power to change any life. 5 1 Timothy 1:12-17 6 People will not believe the gospel is important if they can't see that it is crucial in your life. - Life Application Bible Here's the sermon: The gospel and the church are empowered by God; they will triumph in his power. So, don't be intimidated by human theories or religions. God's gospel and church will prevail. In the face of imprisonment, beatings, and riots, God gave his people boldness to speak of their faith. God worked through the disciples to spread the gospel all over the known world. You too can have courage and boldness to share your faith - ask him for it. He can work powerfully through you. I remind you of these things because I want to fan the flame of faith in you. I want you t