

3 themes in Acts: 1. Everywhere they went, the disciples witnessed about their faith in Jesus. 2. They were persecuted, jailed, mobbed, killed. 3. The Holy Spirit gave the disciples power to spread the gospel. Major theme: the triumph of the church. Despite severe persecution, the church triumphed by the power of the Holy Spirit and the witness of courageous disciples. Chapter 7 - Stephen was martyred. Acts 8:1-3 What hope is there in the face of such opposition? The Jewish leaders were willing to kill to stop Christianity from spreading. The encouragement and boldness that the disciples had from being all together was gone. What would happen to this fledgling movement? What hope was there that it would continue? Remember what the disciples did the very first time they were persecuted? Acts 4:29-30 They prayed for boldness and for the Lord's power in the face of opposition. What hope did they have now in the midst of such harsh persecution? Their hope was that God would answer their prayer and give th