

We are engaged in a war. It is a war for the lives of men, women, and children. The outcome of the battle will affect you and your family, the peoples’ lives around you, and future generations for eternity. There are things you must know – things you cannot be ignorant about or you will be caught unprepared for battle. 1. You must know you are engaged in battle. 1 Peter 5:8-9 – Your enemy looks for someone to devour. Whether you are ready or not to battle, your enemy is at war with you. If you are not ready, you are an easy target for destruction. (Example) you and your wife have had a few rough weeks or months or years. Thoughts begin to run through your head "maybe we'd be better off apart. Maybe I could do better. Maybe I deserve better." These are the whisperings of our enemy. If you are not prepared, you are easy prey. If you don’t recognize this as darkness, you will be tempted to listen. And if you listen long enough you'll start to believe it. If you come to believe it, you'll start to act on i