

Which of these two statements applies more to you? "I am a great sinner." "Christ is a great savior” The first statement recognizes how far you and I are from God. It recognizes how sinful we are. The second statement recognizes the deep love that God has for us demonstrated at the cross and how complete Christ’s work at the cross is. We run into trouble when we don’t recognize that both are true. “I am a great sinner, but Christ is a greater savior.” Luke 6:37-42 Judging others forbidden Why do we judge other people? – Tim Keller’s story about good and bad lies. Why are we tempted to remove the speck from our brother’s eye and leave the plank in our own eye? Because we have a tendency to develop for ourselves a standard by which we live. We pick and choose from what the Bible teaches and decide these are important and develop our own system of morality. We ignore the stuff we’re not good at. The natural tendency of the human heart is toward self-justification. Luke 12:1-3 get rid of hypocrisy. Get rid of