

1 Peter 1:1-12 vv. 3-5 New birth and new life vv. 6-9 Joy in the midst of suffering vv. 10-12 Glory of salvation v. 3 – “new birth” –Peter (and Jesus) use this radical term to describe what has happened in the life of the believer. What has happened in the life of the believer is entirely new and different. It is nothing short of a new life. There is a decisive change. There is now in the believer a new and divine life. Why do we have this new life? It is because of Gods’ great mercy. By Christ’s great sacrifice and the power of God to resurrect him from the dead. The result of this new birth is hope. Hope is not wishful thinking. It is in view of the past that gives a certainty to the future. It has in mind the idea of waiting for something expected. It is a living hope, meaning it is active and will be brought to reality. It is a living hope, meaning it is made possible by Christ’s resurrection from the dead. Believers will rise from the dead just as Christ did. v. 4 – We also have hope of an inheritanc