

These events are saturated with meaning. This is the fulfillment of hundreds of OT prophecies, foreshadowing, and prototypes. We’ll look at three of those this morning. They celebrated the Passover together – which was a foreshadowing: The Passover celebrated an event for 1450 years when the Israelites were slaves in Egypt. God sent plagues on Egypt for their treatment of the Israelites. The last plague was the death of every first born in the country. But the Lord spared the life of the firstborn whose doorways were covered with the blood of a slaughtered a lamb. The angel of death came and “passed over” those homes. The Passover had been celebrated for 1450 years, foreshadowing what Christ would do as the Lamb of God, sparing their lives by the death of the Lamb. Matthew 26:26-30 - Jesus with the disciples at the last supper v. 26 He taught them about how they must accept the sacrifice of his body for forgiveness. v. 27 His blood was poured out for them. v. 28 You must accept the sacrifice of his bod