

All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you. (Colossians 1:6) Three decades after Christ’s resurrection, the Gospel had spread rapidly to every corner of the Roman Empire. Everywhere the Gospel was introduced, in every culture, every socioeconomic group it was growing and bearing fruit. Among the poor, rich, slave, free, Jew, Gentile, it was overcoming every boundary and changing lives all over the known world. The Gospel has the power to change lives. Not just one time. We put so much emphasis on conversion that too often people miss the power of the Gospel throughout the rest of our lives. We think that conversion is up to God, and then the rest of sanctification is up to us. Not true. The Gospel is so powerful, that the fullness of what Christ has done for us has to be explored for the rest of our lives. Talking to other parents… the hope we have for our children is not our ability as parents, not our wisdom, the only real hope we have for them is the me