

What do you need from God? To Moses, God described Himself "as compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, 7 maintaining love, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.” He is described in scripture as the God who hears, sees me, provides, heals me. The God Who is present, is peace. The God Who is my righteousness. God is seen in the scriptures as the unending source of life, light, joy, truth, wisdom. Spring of living water (Jeremiah 2 & 17, John 4, and Revelation 21) He is to the psalmist the rock, fortress, shelter in who we can find strength and safety. He is the giver of joy and comfort, the God in Whom we delight. He provides wisdom and strength to those who ask of Him. He is the One who shows mercy, forgiveness, and love. He is the One who brings salvation, redemption, Jesus is referred to as the “Author and Finisher” of our faith The richness of God is something that can be forever explored, but never fathomed. Isaiah 64:4 4 Since ancient times n