

Pressing On Your High Calling What fills your heart with passion? The human spirit is built with a desire for significance and impact. Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them. -Henry David Thoreau There is a yearning in the souls of men for meaning. God created us this way. Philippians 3:12-14 To Paul, his calling was something he followed after; chased. It did not strike him like lightning. It wasn’t handed to him on a silver platter from heaven. He had to press on to attain it. Calling must be actively pursued. “not that I have already taken hold of all this, but I press on” He hadn’t taken hold of it – When Philippians was written Paul had already taken three missionary journeys. The third he went all the way to Greece and Macedonia. Calling is a lifelong pursuit. You cannot tire of chasing after Christ and His purpose for you. You must press on and press in to Christ. It rarely comes all at one time. It comes step by step. Calling is unique. “for whi