

Philippians 3:7-11 v. 7 “what was to my profit” – the things Paul used to hold on to as valuable. Paul’s superior Jewish tradition had once made him confident in His standing with God. Now, he considers them “loss” for Christ. He renounced them. They were actually a hindrance in gaining righteousness in Christ. Pharisaic righteousness was a danger to his soul. v. 8 “everything a loss” – any religious effort, everything that I he thought gained God’s favor. To come to Christ, you have to give up everything else that you think gives you merit with God. Everything else is a hindrance from gaining Christ. The knowledge of Christ eclipsed everything else in Paul’s vision. Christ came into Paul’s life and transformed him. God made him conscious of a new way. The old things passed away gone and everything became new. “rubbish” refuse or excrement. “that I may gain Christ” to gain His righteousness and enjoy all the grace and glory that surrounds Him. v. 9 “found in him” passive voice – discovered or proved to b