

Love God. Love People. The Life of the Cross We have misunderstood the message of the cross if we think that the only thing that is asked of us is to say yes to God’s love. The longer you hang around the complete message of the cross, the more you find that it compels you to act. The cross compels us to respond in obedience and service that is rooted in love. Jesus didn’t just teach us to have a new private spiritual life. He showed us a new way of life altogether. He showed us how we are to live and interact with each other. You know about His death, but do you know how He lived? Does your life reflect how he lived? He taught us not to hate, worry, lust, be consumed with the things of this world. He taught us: Luke 9:23-25 23Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Our lives should reflect the way Jesus lived. More than simply contemplating the work of Christ on the cross, we must also be students of Christ’s life and teaching.