

Becoming Seeking, Reaching, and Finding Him Everywhere we go, everything we do, every thought, every relationship is to be affected by the work of Christ on the cross. In everything, we are to reflect the glory of Christ. Through the cross of Christ, God is restoring a people to reflect His glory. How do we reflect His glory? We begin by reflecting, contemplating, and beholding Jesus Christ. Psalm 139:1-4; 5-12; 13-16 God planned and created your inmost parts. Your personality, likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, and interests were all created by God. And He ordained the days of your life. Acts 17:22-23; 24-28 God determined when and where you should live. So that you might seek him, reach out to him and find him. God put people into your life to help you find Him, because He wants to be found by you. God put you in people’s lives to help them find Him because He wants to be found by them. Where you work and live was planned by God. It was no accident. There is purpose for you there. The people at you