

Palm Sunday Luke 19:28-41 The event traditionally known as Palm Sunday is fraught with meaning. It is hard to think of any close contemporary equivalents that would parallel the mood of this entry and presentation. It could be compared to a regal coronation ceremony, but that does not work in this case, because Jesus is being presented as a regal figure but not crowned as one. Luke has built up the journey to Jerusalem as full of significance. Jerusalem is the city of Jesus' fate and destiny. From Luke's perspective Jesus is still approaching the city and has not officially entered it, since his condemnation of Jerusalem's rejection in verse 41 takes places as he approached. Events move quickly from this point, so that after the procession and the lament over Jerusalem, Jesus moves inexorably toward his death. Announced as the king, he is rejected as king. Vv 28-31 Still outside the city, moving through villages just a few miles to the east, he prepares to enter the capital. He takes control of events as well