

Pointing UP The Greatest Gift John 8:1-6 The teachers of the law and Pharisees – condemning. The trap: put Jesus in a place where he can’t win. If he lets the woman off the hook, he’ll be denying the validity of the law. But if he allows her to be stoned, he might be accused of being unmerciful – or even of being an enemy of the Roman government, which was the only group allowed to carry out capital punishment. John 8:7-9 Jesus’ reaction wrecks the Pharisee’s whole day. They had no reply. Of all the people gathered there, the one who had every right to condemn her was Jesus. He was the one and only perfectly righteous person there. He would be right to judge her sin. She was left with the one who could judge her without being a hypocrite. John 8:10-11 But he did not condemn her. He said, “Neither do I condemn you.” Amazing words from a perfect, righteous, holy God. This woman went from being thrust into public embarrassment with her great shame announced publicly to everyone around. She had feared for her