

I shared with you last week that when Brenda and I really struggled in our marriage, we at one point had given up. But then we started trying again. Now we had tried before. We had tried for years. I felt like I had given and given to our relationship – like I was the most giving man to ever take on the burden of a wife – and was somehow the most under-appreciated man in the world. Turns out, Brenda felt like she was the most giving woman to ever take on the burden of a husband – and was somehow the most under-appreciated woman in the world. We thought we were working so hard and really putting ourselves out there. How can that happen? That you both feel like you’re putting so much work into your marriage and yet it’s not working? It happens all the time. The God who created the whole idea of marriage gives us a path to our spouse’s heart in His word. It only makes sense that the God who created men and women and marriage and who loves us so much would give us the keys to an intimate marriage. In the