

Brenda and I had years of marriage trouble. We didn’t get along. We didn’t understand each other. We kept offending each other. We were both hurt. We both felt like we were giving everything, but felt like the other one was not putting any effort into our marriage. We eventually quit trying. Until… one day we went to a marriage conference. We learned there that God’s plan for marriage was for us to walk in companionship and unity. We realized that our marriage trouble was not just trouble between us, but allowing it to remain was disobedience to God. We came to understand that allowing the discord in our marriage to continue was walking in sin. God has a design for marriage – even your marriage. God has designed marriage to be the closest human relationship. It is to be characterized by love, unity, and companionship. The unity of marriage (Gen 2:23-25) The woman was made from the man’s side. They are made from the same material. The man is to leave his family. To be united with his wife. The two