

My hope for us above everything else is that we’ll have a vibrant, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. Individually and corporately that we’ll be caught up in loving and pursuing Him. We talked about how easy it is to miss a relationship with Christ in the parable of the Prodigal son. We can miss relationship with Christ like the younger son in his sin, he wandered away from the father. Or like the older son in his self righteousness and judgmental attitude, he was with the father, but missed the whole idea of relationship. We want to embrace the Father, relying only on His grace. We’ve talked about how to be in relationship with God is through being in the Scriptures, but that too often, we don’t want to be. So we confess to God our brokenness and ask for His help. We talked about how important prayer is in our relationship with God, but that too often we don’t pray consistently and we don’t pray for the most significant things. So we ask God for help to pray according to His will and His purposes.