

My hope for us above everything else is that we’ll have a vibrant, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. Individually and corporately that we’ll be caught up in loving and pursuing Him. The best way to be in relationship with God is through connecting and communicating with Him. God communicates with us by the Holy Spirit and His Word. We communicate with Him through prayer. A vibrant, dynamic relationship can only happen through vibrant, dynamic life in the Word and in prayer. But I know that for most of us a deep, consistent prayer life has been difficult. No matter if you’ve walked with the Lord for a month or 60 years, it’s been difficult to sustain the prayer life that brings a vibrant relationship with God. For some of you it’s because you want to pick and choose the parts of your life that you give to Christ. You have created what Tim Keller calls a Stepford God. He cannot confront you or correct you. You do whatever you want. That relationship is dead – you’ve cut the real, living God out. For