More Than A Few Words

#1000 - Celebrating 1,000 Conversations.



If you had told me fifteen years ago, when I was running around recording conversations on my iphone that I would still be doing it a thousand episodes later, I would have told you you were crazy. But here I am, celebrating 1,000 episodes. I have had an amazing ride meeting interesting people from all over the world. I have learned so much from them about marketing and marketing trends and I have enjoyed sharing that information with you, my audience. So instead of asking for anniversary presents, I want to give you one.  I have a special thank you offer.  If you comment on post and tag me, anywhere on social media, share a screen grab of a review, or simply drop me a note, I'll send you a code for unlimited, free access the toolbox. That is a lifetime membership so you'll have the ability to access all of the training programs, all the workbooks, all the content, forever. So drop a review, send me a note or leave a comment and you're in. And, if you're curious about any of the conversations you've missed  yo