Amazing Fba

Protecting your e-commerce business



The Roman Empire was famous for being the greatest empire in the ancient world. It lasted hundreds of years. It controlled the then known world, which was around Southern Europe and the Mediterranean, but it's 410 AD, the barbarians sack Rome. What happened? And how can we learn from this as e commerce operators? Stay tuned. Protect your Empire! Hey folks, Michael Veazey here from Amazing FBA. I want to talk about this under appreciated topic. Everyone's obsessed with growth, and of course they should, and the empire building. But once you've got something valuable and desirable, then of course, you're going to get people attacking it in some form or degrading it. And one of the things that a more mature entrepreneur will do when they move from pure startup phase, where you just growth, growth, growth, revenue, revenue, revenue is to understand that you've got something valuable, and now you need to protect it. So that's why we're going to talk about it today. Success invites Attack You