Sex & Love Mastery Podcast

Podcast #85 Monkey News Decoded: A Shamanic Take on Karl Pilkington's Comedy



Steve brings comedy analysis to two of Karl Pilkington's notorious monkey news. Steve has loved Karl and Ricky Gervais for over 15 years and this comedy brings some light relief to some of the more serious topics such as Christ Consciousness & spiritual awakening. In 2007 Steve graduated from Southampton Solent University in the UK with a BA (Hons) in Writing For The Media. Since 2007 he has been a (mostly undercover) investigative journalist.Steve reports his discoveries via his book, podcasts, Raw Attraction Magazine, The Heart Initiation Academy, and other creative outlets. For nearly two decades, Steve's research has taken him on a deep dive into the following subjects:* Dating* Relationships* Attraction* Love* Self-Love & Self-Care* Emotional Mastery* Quantum Meditation* Shamanism* Psychedelics * Sacred Sexuality* The Bible* The Nag Hammadi Scriptures* Health & Nutrition* How To Heal The Body* How To Heal The Mind* How To Heal The Heart* How To Heal The Soul* How To Heal The Inner Child* The