Radio Free Sarawak

2 May 2024



On Today Show — John Bara, Resident of Uma Akeh, Baram – Standing Up to Encroachment: Community Fight for Fairness — Dr Micheal Teo, PKR ex-MP of Miri – From Feedback to Action: The Impact of People's Voices in Governance — Agnes Padan, activist from Lawas – Citizenship for All Topik Pada Hari Ini: - John Bara, Penduduk Uma Akeh, Baram - Melawan Pencerobohan: Perjuangan Komuniti untuk Keadilan - Dr. Micheal Teo, Bekas Ahli Parlimen PKR Miri - Dari Maklum Balas ke Tindakan: Impak Suara Rakyat dalam Pentadbiran - Agnes Padan, aktivis dari Lawas - Kewarganegaraan untuk Semua -------------------- John Bara, Resident of Uma Akeh, Baram *Standing Up to Encroachment: Community Fight for Fairness* John Bara felt compelled to inspect his family's land leased to the quarry company Batu Holy Stone owned by Shin Yang since 1996 - about 28 years ago. In the original agreement, Shin Yang Holy Stone would mine stones on a 4.16-acre land and in return, they would rent the land on a monthly basis. However, what is surprisi