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1099: Buy Back Your Time and Achieve Scalability by Learning to Work ON Instead of IN Your Business with Strategist and Co-Founder of Better Than Rich Mike Abramowitz



Ever wanted to reclaim your time and achieve greater freedom in your schedule? Some strategies such as discovering what drains your energy and setting certain boundaries can give you back control of your time. As you implement these, you'll not only become more efficient and less stressed but also find yourself with more freedom to pursue your passions and nurture meaningful connections.  Mike Abramowitz is a business strategist and the co-founder of Better Than Rich, a business training and coaching program. He helps others achieve time freedom by identifying energy-draining tasks, setting clear boundaries, and leveraging AI assistants to automate workflows. Today, Mike discusses how to systematize a business through setting boundaries, communication guidelines, documentation of systems and playbooks, hiring a team, and using technology, to free up an entrepreneur's time. Stay tuned for more! Resources Better Than Rich Website Mike Abramowitz Website Mike Abramowitz on LinkedIn Mike Abramo