Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

1070: Underground Muscle Building Secrets with Dr. Scott Stevenson



In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin speak with Dr. Scott Stevenson, competitive bodybuilder, PhD in applied exercise physiologist, college professor and author of Be Your Own Bodybuilding Coach. Scott provides an interesting and insightful perspective on blending eastern and western philosophy and the science of building muscle.   How does training in herbs and acupuncture translate to muscle building? (2:21) What drove him to enter into the field of Eastern Medicine? (5:28) Did he experience any ‘ah-ha’ moments in his training in Chinese medicine? (11:25) Was he able to take his knowledge of Chinese Medicine to help even the extreme bodybuilders? (14:00) Does ‘bro-training’ have any validity? (18:50) How in bro science the biggest guys are usually the strongest guys. (26:45) The phenomenon of muscle wisdom. (31:25) 3903  What does the current research say about muscle hyperplasia? (43:04) Can people do cycles of anabolics and go off, but essentially be better off than they were before in terms of muscle