Living On The Edge With Chip Ingram Daily Podcast

He Holds Me Forever - Held Tightly by His Promises, Part 1



Do you feel defined by your mistakes? No matter what you’ve gone through, what you see as a damaged or tattered life, God sees every one of His children as a masterpiece, displaying His glory. If you’re struggling to believe that’s true, join Theresa Ingram, as she shares her story and why we can hold on to God’s promises.Main PointsLearning how to experience God's love by "opening the window of our soul"Closed window: Sin in my life and disobedience to God’s Word keeps me from experiencing God’s love.Open window: I will live righteously because God’s love is perfected in lives that are pure.Steps to take:Make confession a part of your daily life; keep short accounts.Spend time in God’s Word on a regular basis (5-7 days per week).Closed window: A believer’s learned way of thinking about themselves (self-talk) can keep them from experiencing God’s love.Open window: I will fill my mind with God’s truth to overcome the negative beliefs I have learned. I wi