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#1596 Building a positive future by first envisioning it and then designing it



Air Date 12/5/2023 It's important to focus on positive visions and not only get stuck in doom cycles of complaining about what's going wrong. So, we're looking at a variety of positive visions including rethinking human nature, reimagining our relationship with consumerism, considering how design can work with nature instead of against it, and understanding why cooperation is better than individualistic competition from an evolutionary point of view. Be part of the show! Leave us a message or text at 202-999-3991 or email Transcript (Members Get Bonus Clips and Shows + No Ads!) Join our Discord community! OUR AFFILIATE LINKS: GET INTERNET PRIVACY WITH EXPRESS VPN! SUPPORT INDIE BOOKSHOPS, GET YOUR AUDIOBOOK FROM LIBRO! BotL BOOKSTORE BotL MERCHANDISE! SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: What We Get Wrong About Human Nature - Andrewism - Air Date 1-11-23 What does it mean to b