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#1519 International Fascist Movement on the Move (Throwback)



Original Air Date: 10/8/2022 Today, we take a look at the recent elections in Italy, Brazil and Sweden where far-right parties are either taking power or looking to maintain it as well as the parallels to our own politics including moderate conservatives helping to legitimize the far-right while delegitimizing elections. Be part of the show! Leave us a message or text at 202-999-3991 or email Transcript (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) Join our Discord community! OUR AFFILIATE LINKS: GET INTERNET PRIVACY WITH EXPRESS VPN! SUPPORT INDIE BOOKSHOPS, GET YOUR AUDIOBOOK FROM LIBRO! SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Fascist Brothers of Italy Party takes power in Italy - The Mehdi Hassan Show - Air Date 10-2-22 Why the American right wing is racing to embrace Italy's next prime minister. Ch. 2: Italian Fascism w/ David Broder - Jacobin Show - Air Date 9-30-22 Our own European editor David Broder explains what Giorgia Meloni