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#1518 Ronald Reagan, It Turns Out, Was Bad (Repost)



Original Air Date 10-5-2022 Today, we take a look at the life and legacy of President Ronald Reagan, the last transformational U.S. president who's regime we are still living in. Between his neoliberal economics, anti-government ideology and white supremacist appeal to authoritarians, he did more to shape the last 40 years of the politics of the country and conservative movement than anyone else. Be part of the show! Leave us a message or text at 202-999-3991 or email Transcript (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) Join our Discord community! SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: 40 years later, is this the end of Reaganomics? - Make Me Smart - Air Date 12-14-21 It’s been just over 40 years since newly elected President Ronald Reagan declared, “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem.” Ch. 2: The Democracy We Think We Live In - On the Media - Air Date 8-9-19 Adam Serwer [@AdamSerwer], staff writer at The Atlantic, on the