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#1593 Beyond Neoliberalism: Dreaming a new economic system into being



Air Date 11/14/2023 The Supreme Court turned the table on average, working people back in the 70s when they empowered wealthy individuals and corporations to have an outsized role in our politics. Now we're trapped in the reality that shift in power created and are dreaming of a better way to manage our economic and political systems for the benefit of all people. Be part of the show! Leave us a message or text at 202-999-3991 or email Transcript (Members Get Bonus Clips and Shows + No Ads!) Join our Discord community! Related Episodes: #1247 The Fight for the Four Freedoms (FDR vs. Libertarianism) SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Citizens United Has Destroyed America Why Is Nobody Talking About It - Thom Harmann Program - Air Date 10-27-23 If America is to recover any semblance of meaningful democracy in our country, we have to cut out the cancer of big money in our political system. We MUST overturn Citizens United. Ch. 2: How Things Work Congress's Revolving Door - Jim H