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#1404 Democracy Under Siege (Voting and Protest Rights)



Air Date 3/12/2021 Today we take a look at the multiple tactics being implemented in an attempt to undermine the entire concept of democracy because adhering to the will of the majority and allowing for unfettered protests is currently working to the distinct disadvantage of the Republican Party. Most people see the right to vote and to protest as foundational to a functioning democracy, others see them as impediments to their divine right to rule. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email  Transcript   MEMBERSHIP, Gift Memberships and Donations! (Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content) MERCHANDISE! REFER-O-MATIC! Sign up, share widely, get rewards. It's that easy! CHECK OUT OUR BOOKSHOP!   EPISODE SPONSORS: UnF*cking the Republic Want to advertise/sponsor the show? Details ->   SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Guest Sarah Repucci of Freedom House on 'democracy under siege' Part 1 - The Bradcast w Brad Friedman - Air Date 3-8-21 Sarah Repucci expl