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#1283 Native (Mis)Representation



Air Date 6/21/2019 Today we take a look at the ways that Native Peoples are represented in white society and pop culture, how some are working to take back their own narratives and some insight into the profound effects, both positive and negative, of how peoples are represented. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email  SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Opinion polls about offense and the Redskins football team - CounterSpin (@FAIRmediawatch) - Air Date 5-27-16 The Washington Post conducts a flawed survey resulting in a misleading conclusion that most native peoples don't consider Redskins to be an offensive term Ch. 2: The toxic mix of racist representation and misogynistic disregard for women - Let's Talk Native... with John Kane - Air Date 2-14-19 Racist representation of native peoples in sports and culture supports the anti-native sentiment that drives the MMIWG epidemic Ch. 3: A Native perspective for museums - Native America Calling - Air Date 4-9-19 Native peoples have h