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#1320 The Rise and Inevitable Fall of Neoliberalism (Repost)



MEMBERSHIP, Gift Memberships and Donations! (Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content) MERCHANDISE! REFER-O-MATIC! Sign up, share widely, get rewards. It's that easy! Air Date 11/20/2019 Today we take a look at several topics that, at first glance, may seem to be unrelated but that I think are all tied together with a thread that runs through all of them and points the way toward The Great Transition we are currently in the middle of. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email  SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: How NeoLiberalism Happened with George Monbiot Part 1 - Pitchfork Economics with Nick Hanauer - Air Date 10-8-19 Nick and his guests discuss the history, the cultural and economic impact of neoliberalism. Ch. 2: Too Hot For School with Jane McAlevey - On the Media - Air Date 9-20-19 The climate protests and collective action of today mirror the same crises and protests of the FDR era. Ch. 3: How NeoLiberalism Happened with George Monbiot Part 2 - Pitchfork Economics with Nick