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#1386 Out With The Old Foreign Policy, In With The Even Older



MEMBERSHIP and Gift Memberships! (Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content) MERCHANDISE! REFER-O-MATIC! Sign up, share widely, get rewards. It's that easy!   Air Date 12/12/2020 Today we take a look at the prospects for Biden's foreign policy looking forward which seems to be mostly looking backward to an era of American over-confidence and self-ascribed "exceptionalism" that may never have been warranted, the fact of which becomes clearer with every passing year, something people living outside the US have known for decades. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email  Transcript EPISODE SPONSORS: GROUND.NEWS/BEST Want to advertise/sponsor the show? Details -> SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: State-Sanctioned Killers: As Trump Expedites Executions at Home, Biden Builds Team for Wars Abroad part 1 - Intercepted with Jeremy Scahill - Air Date 12-9-20 As Biden builds his Cabinet, his national security team is looking a lot like a replay of the Obama-Bid