Best Of The Left - The Best Of Progressive And Liberal Talk

#1385 The Lost Causes of the Confederacy and the Forty Fives



Air Date 12/9/2020 Today we take a look in real-time at the construction of the world's newest Lost Cause narrative, the failed re-election of Donald Trump. This is not our country's first experience with Lost Causes and it's not, contrary to popular opinion, even our second connection to a Lost Cause narrative because we didn't invent the first one, we borrowed it from somewhere else and I will tell that story today. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email  Transcript MEMBERSHIP and Gift Memberships! (Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content) REFER-O-MATIC! Click here--> Sign up, share widely, get rewards. It's that easy! EPISODE SPONSORS: GROUND.NEWS/BEST Want to advertise/sponsor the show? Details -> SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Jay's Opening Comments Ch. 2: Reading Harry Potter In Scots Ch. 3: Jay’s comments: the history of a Lost Cause Ch. 4: Sir Walter Scott, The Old South and The Lost Cause - Who Put The Klan Int