Best Of The Left - The Best Of Progressive And Liberal Talk

#1269 Following the thread of the global Great Transition (Repost)



Air Date 5/3/2019 Today we take a look at several topics that, at first glance, may seem to be unrelated but that I think are all tied together with a thread that runs through all of them and points the way toward The Great Transition we are currently in the middle of. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email  Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content: Support our show on Patreon! SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Henry Giroux: Trump is the endpoint on cruelty and isolation in American politics - @thisishellradio - Air Date 4-15-17 Cultural critic Henry Giroux examines the slow, steady rise of cruelty in American culture - as the logic of neoliberalism strips our politics of anything besides self-regard, and the right capitalizes on the anger caused by its own policies Ch. 2: Johann Hari To Treat Depression, Provide Meaningful Work, Housing & a Basic Income, Not Just Drugs - @DemocracyNow - Air Date 02-02-18 An extended conversation with Johann Hari, author of a controversial ne