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#1369 The Business Model That Ate the World (Facebook)



Air Date 9/22/2020 Today we take a look at the rising concern over Facebook as more and more negative impacts of the site become evident to an ever-expanding group of concerned people and, more specifically, we show how it is the fundamental business model of Facebook that is at the heart of its problems. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 Transcript BECOME A MEMBER! (Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content) IF YOU’RE GOING TO SHOP AMAZON: Amazon USA | Amazon CA | Amazon UK SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Early Facebook Investor We Need to Hold Big Tech Accountable For Creating “Toxic Digital Spills” - Democracy Now! - Air Date 10-27-19 Early Facebook investor Roger McNamee talks about big tech companies are amplifying hate speech and disinformation. He also talks more about his book, ·Zucked: Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe.· Ch. 2: The Covid Conspiracy Boom on Facebook - On the Media - Air Date 8-19-20 Bob speaks to Fadi Quran about the "superspreader" pages that are amassing these page views, t