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#1367 The Post Office and the Census, Unmaking the American Institutions That Most Bind Us Together



Air Date 9/15/2020 Today we take a look at two of America's oldest institutions which are both under attack, the US Post Office and the Census. The clear through-line of the attacks on both is a classic struggle over power. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 Transcript BECOME A MEMBER! (Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content) Support us on PodHero Support us on Flattr EPISODE SPONSORS: Clean Choice Energy IF YOU’RE GOING TO SHOP AMAZON: Amazon USA | Amazon CA | Amazon UK SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: The Long, Slow Chipping Away of the USPS - On the Media - Air Date 8-21-20 According to New Republic staff writer Alex Shephard, when journalists start talking about public sector programs like the postal service, they tend to be sucked into a partisan, ideological narrative. Ch. 2: A wildcat strike in 1970 solved the last crisis at USPS - The Real News - Air Date 8-24-20 Labor activist Paul Prescod gives context to the fight over the future of the post office. Ch. 3: "The Damage Has Been Done" Historian